Monday, May 20, 2019
Inherit the Wind Essay
Inherit the Wind Here in Hillsboro we be fighting the fight of the Faithful through-out the world (53) Inherit the Wind is the epic legal drama, written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, of a controversial subject creationism versus Darwinism. Hillsboro is extremely determined to defend creationism. Though fictional, Inherit the Wind is base on the Scopes Trial, which occurred in July of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee.The play was published in 1957, a period of time where sight, curiously those of Hillsboro, the small townspeopleshipsfolk in which the play is set, were save allowed to teach the theory of creationism instruct evolution was against the law. The the great unwashed of the town were extremely unearthly. To non believe in the bible or attend church would consequence in being shunned by Hillsboro. In Inherit the Wind, the attitude of Hillsboro subtly changes throughout the course of the tryout of the young school teacher who purposely broke the law.The town ref lects the fiercely religious and biased views collectively divided by its people, such that it becomes an important personality in itself. The changes in the towns attitude be small, evident by certain individuals within the town learning to open their minds and accept the theory of evolution. ahead the mental testing of Bert Cates, the attitude of the town is reflected by its behavior towards Bert Cates, Henry Drummond, and Matthew Harrison Brady. Bert Cates is a schoolteacher who was imprisoned for teaching evolution to his class, something Hillsboro con perspectivers to be very(prenominal) wrong.Rachel browned is the daughter of the Reverend, and though she tries to defy her father and his views, even she sides with Hillsboro and does not understand why he cant be on the right side of things (8). The right side is Hillsboros side the only right answer is in the bible. Because Hillsboro is so narrow, it refuses to accept any otherwise theories or opinions. It wants Cate s to be found guilty. It considers him a criminal for what he did on that pointfore, the bias against him is clear before the discharge even begins.In turn, Hillsboro is equally unhappy with the defense attorney, Henry Drummond. Drummond is a renowned lawyer who is described as the most agile legal mind of the Twentieth Century (22). He has the ability to win the case, something Hillsboro expect would not to be done. Reverend Brown calls him the Devil (25) because one looks into his face, and wonders why God made such a man (25). Given this description, Hillsboro assumes it to be true and treats him as though he is evil. Hillsboro thinks Drummond does not believe in God because he has won cases where the defendants were clearly guilty.Hillsboro knows that Drummond is an excellent lawyer, and with him defending Cates, the ladder could lose a outstandingly different result from what Hillsboro was expecting. By calling him the Devil, Hillsboro is able to turn its people against D rummond. However, the attitude Hillsboro displays towards Matthew Harrison Brady is all opposite. The famous lawyer is the lead prosecutor for the tribulation of Bert Cates. Hillsboro worships Brady he is devoted to the bible, believing all the answers to those questions are in the Bible (34) and that evolution is nonsense.Hillsboro is overjoyed, and rather star struck to suffer him in town. All of Hillsboro gathers to find Brady with a feast and frequently sings, It is good enough for Brady (17). The difference with which Hillsboro treats Brady compared to Cates and Drummond is colossal. Everyone is completely taken in by his charm and pre displaceation each hang on every word he says. Before the running game begins, Brady already has Hillsboro on his side. With the negative attitude Hillsboro displays before the ravel, how could Bert Cates stand a chance against their bias and unlikeable minds?Throughout the trial of Bert Cates, the behavior and bias Hillsboro had previou sly displayed, remains, and escalates, to the point where even Brady feels uncomfortable. The meaning of religion to Hillsboro is reflected by its people, shown by the answers and opinions given by the potential jurors. The members of the jury were selected by Drummond and Brady, both of whom had to agree upon the individual in order for them to serve as a juror. Brady does not care whether it is a fair trial he only wants to win.This could be almost guaranteed as the jurors are all members of Hillsboro and many seem to believe in the Holy Word of God and Matthew Harrison Brady (36). It is impossible to have a fair trial for Bert Cates when the jury members are all chosen from Hillsboro, thus it is clear they do not want Cates to stand a chance. A contentedness from Reverend Brown to Hillsboro further illustrates this. At the end of the first day of the trial, the Judge announces there will be a prayer-meeting tonight on the courthouse lawn, to pray for justice and guidance(42), a message Reverend Brown asks him to relay.The judge seems to see nothing wrong with doing so, demonstrated by his reaction to Drummonds objections. Clearly the judge does not care around the fairness of Cates trial, as he openly denote a meeting to pray for a guilty verdict. There were no evolutionist meetings being held, as Drummond pointed out. The only option Hillsboro gives is to believe in the bible. The degree of the importance of religion to Hillsboro is revealed during the prayer meeting. Reverend Brown becomes very passionate and eventually deranged when telling Hillsboro how God supposedly created the world in seven days.Hillsboro, in turn, reacts fervently, screaming and roaring Hosannah Bless the Lord who created us (57) And Amen, amen (57). The Reverend goes on further to directly address about Cates, asking Hillsboro Do we call down hellfire on the man who has sinned against the Word (59), which Hillsboro agrees with, back up the Reverend to continue in his rant, and ask God to have Cates soul rick in distortion and damnation (59). It is at this point in time that Brady realizes the extent Hillsboro is willing to take religion.Hillsboro would have Cates sent to Hell and eternally damned because he chose to teach evolution. As a great deal as Brady is a religious man, even he believes Hillsboro has gone too far. The trial of Bert Cates has illuminated how religious Hillsboro truly is and how the opinion of a few people can impact an completed town. After the trial of Bert Cates, there is a small, solely nevertheless definite, shift in attitude of Hillsboro, demonstrated by the outcome of the trial and individual character changes.Bert Cates is the first person in Hillsboro to dare oppose the law against evolution this is the first step in bringing about the change. Although his actions are technically wrong, Cates believes he did the right thing and refuses to stand down. Even the charr he loves, Rachel Brown, begs him to tell em it was all a joke (7), and though he wavers, he sees the trial through to the end. Cates opens the door to a different side, one which most of Hillsboro has never even considered, at to the lowest degree not openly.Though Hillsboro may not accept or like evolution, the town was forced to contemplate the radical of it because of the trial. Rachel Brown is the Reverends daughter, and throughout the play, struggles to stand up to her father the conclusion of Catess trial allows her to find the courage to finally do so. Rachel is terrified to show her support of Cates for fear of her father. Reverend Brown answers Bradys question My daughter will be pleased to answer any questions about Bert Cates (22).Before the trial begins, Rachel refuses to stand up for herself or answer for herself. She begins to oppose her father, when she jumps on stage and implores her father not to pray to disgrace Bert (59), during the prayer meeting, something she could not have done at the beginning of the pla y. She has had creationism enforced upon her for her whole life, yet Catess trial opens her mind to evolution, when Drummond questions Brady on how the World could possibly have been created in Seven days. The trial alike gives her the strength to stand up to her father.A change in the attitude of one person can have a significant impact on the people around him, especially in a town as small as Hillsboro. Rachel cannot have been the only person in Hillsboro to doubt creationism after the trial however, if she were, her new outlook would surely inspire those surrounding her. The result of the trial plays a key routine in the change of Hillsboros attitude. Although the jury finds Cates guilty, his punishment is only a five hundred vaulting horse fine. This case turned into something much bigger than just a small town case the entire state was waiting with baited breath to hear the results.Yet after all the fuss and trouble that was made about this case, to fine Cates only five hun dred dollars is astounding, especially considering Hillsboro wanted to have Catess soul writhe in anguish and damnation (59). The jury is made up of biased people who were completely close-minded to begin with, but Drummond is able to convince Hillsboro to slightly open its mind, which is an incredible accomplishment. Although Cates technically lost the trial, it should be considered a victory. In Inherit the Wind, the attitude of Hillsboro subtly changes throughout the course of the trial of the young schoolteacher who purposely broke the law.The town reflects the fiercely religious and biased views collectively shared by its people, such that it becomes an important character in itself. The changes in the towns attitude are small, evident by certain individuals within the town. The people of Hillsboro are extraordinarily similar. They all think, feel, and act the same way. There are few individuals who stand out in the town, as most are from the same cookie-cutter mold. Because t he people are so alike, they are able to blend into one character that represents all of them.As a result, the town becomes a vital character to the story. Hillsboro is willing to send a schoolteacher to jail for voicing his opinions, because he goes against what the town collectively believes to be right. Through the course of the play, we are given insight into how much religion can mean not only to one person, but an entire town, and the lengths a town is willing to go to prevent change. Setting this play in a different town, one without the same religious beliefs, would alter the story immensely in fact, the entire trial may not have occurred.
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